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  2. Proactive support all working and non-working days of the year
  3. Online chat, Email, Skype, TeamViewer, Telephone
  4. Knowledge base, pictorial and video instructions
  5. User pages with Ticket system for support
  6. User card with an overview of all services and accounts
  7. Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the service
  8. Timely notifications about the expiration of services
  9. Super fast service activations :)
  10. Gift vouchers :)   

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Frequently asked questions and answers

What is a domain, a domain name?

A domain name is a unique web address on the Internet that users use to access your website. Just like your building, apartment or house has an address, a website has a domain or web address. For example, "wmd.hr", "wmd.hosting", "google.com" is a domain name.

Why is it necessary to register a domain?

The purpose of a domain name is to make it easier for people to find and access your website. Instead of having to remember a website's IP address, which is a series of hard-to-remember numbers, people can simply type in the website's domain name.

We cannot stress enough how important it is to register your own domain name. If you are still not convinced about the benefits of domain name registration? No problem; below are some of the key benefits of owning your own domain name.

Branding and credibility

Registering your own domain name gives your brand, company or product a more professional look. This shows that you are serious about your online presence and are investing in building your business. This is an advantage that would be impossible to achieve using a free address provided by your ISP or obtained in any other way. These domain names generally consist of long combinations of words that are not really suitable for professional use. A good domain name, on the other hand, will certainly help you attract additional visitors and customers.

Online presence and search engine optimization (SEO)

A domain name is crucial to building your online presence and improving your search engine rankings. It helps search engines identify and index your website, making it easier for internet users to find you. A domain name that contains targeted keywords can also improve position and increase a website's visibility in search results.

Create professional email addresses

When you register a domain name, you can also create email addresses with that domain name. Which will provide you with a more professional approach in communication with potential users. info@tvrka.com looks much better than company@internetprovideraddress.com, right? Also note that you will always be able to keep your email address. So even if you change service providers, you won't lose your email address.

Protect your idea or name

Have you come up with a great name for your idea, business or product? If so, don't wait too long to register your domain name. That way, you won't risk someone else (or a competitor) registering your domain name.

How to choose a domain name?

A few simple tips for choosing a domain:

Length - It is important that it be memorable and as short as possible.

Simplicity - Don't use long words or words that are difficult to spell.

Brand/Company Name - Choose a domain with your brand/company name for maximum recognition.

Keywords - If you are not using a company name, use keywords related to services or products.

If you can, don't use numbers and hyphens and check if similar domain names already exist to avoid legal and marketing costs.

When I register a domain, can I change the name later?

No, once you register a domain, you cannot change the domain name. You can just register another domain name.

How long does domain registration take?

The minimum duration of domain name registration is determined by the domain registry that manages the type of individual domain. It is usually a one-year registration.

With WMD, you can register domains immediately for several years if you wish.

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