Web jumbo Poster

A unique web advertisement at a super affordable price

Why rent SEO Web Jumbo poster?

A complete solution for subscription to daily newspapers in digital edition

A web billboard is a unique advertisement, or more simply, a PR announcement in a slightly different original format.

The goal of classic billboards is to be seen along the road, on buildings and the like, that is, in frequented places
where they have safe visibility.

The goal of Web billboards or virtual billboards is to appear at the very top when searching in search engines or
to have greater visibility on the Internet.

You can rent a web billboard in any city/town in Croatia and throughout Europe.

The same SEOs are locally optimized for each city or town.

Which means your potential customers will find them more easily when searching for services and products in the target city/town.
By clicking on a web billboard in any city, they go to your website.

At the same time, it is a good recommendation for your pages 24/7, which will positively affect your position in search engines, because along with the web billboard, we will also publish text about your services and products with interesting keywords and links/recommendations to your page.

The more other sites talk about your website, services and products, the more you will get a better rating in search engines and thus be better positioned or more visible, which will lead to increased sales and profits.

But it is also important that the same person recommends you for as long as possible, because if someone recommends you for a week or a month, it will not have a big impact on your recognition.

For a larger number of ordered web billboards, we grant excellent discounts :)

Pay once and advertise for at least 10 years or for life*

Calculation of the price of web billboards per year: €150: 10 years = €15 per year

The more precise the better :)

If you have any questions about the web billboard, feel free to contact us.

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The most frequently asked questions i answer

What is the cost of creating an SEO CMS website?

There is no fixed price for creating an SEO CMS system. Each project is different in itself. The best thing is to send us an email with the requirements for creating a CMS system and we will send you a specific offer in a short period of time.

How long does it take to create a CMS website?

The creation of a medium-sized CMS system takes 20-30 days. Of course, it can be done faster, but if you want a high-quality and detailed solution, it is better to invest a few days more in the creation.

When the CMS is finished, can I enter new content myself?

Of course, we will also send detailed pictorial and textual instructions for using the CMS system, although if you have little experience on the Internet, you will not need it.
Entering data is simple, it does not differ significantly from writing an email. In addition to entering content, you will be able to do much more advanced things that until now required the help of programmers.

Karta svijeta - HOSTING AKCIJA 1+1

Everything for the web in one place