SEO Marketing - Optimization for search engines

Millions of Internet users use search engines to find websites every day.

Can you afford not to be found?

Research they show

Research shows that 85% of visitors come to websites via web search engines .
and 56.6% of Internet users view only the first twenty results.

If your pages are not positioned high enough in search engines (at least in the first thirty results), none of the internet users will come to your pages. Worse, they'll go to your competition.

Web search engines are a very important and high-quality source of visitors because they send Internet users to your pages who have entered a keyword (key word or phrase) that describes the product or service they are looking for. If you have created your web pages correctly, they will appear at the very top of the search and in this way your pages will be visited by internet users who are interested in your services and products, so you get 100% targeted visitors. Since every day there are more and more internet pages, and every day more and more of them are entered into search engines, your pages compete with an increasing number of other internet pages.

What can you do?

This is where SEO internet marketing or page optimization for search engines and positioning comes into play.
Optimizing pages for search engines is the process of preparing your web pages for web search engines so that they understand them better, i.e. they see better what is on the pages and what they are for, and in this way increase the number of visitors, i.e. the number of keywords or phrases for which they find you. The more key terms your website can be found on, the greater the number of visitors and thus the opportunity for greater profit.


If search engines can't clearly discern what your pages are for, why would they rank you high? Your pages must be focused on the products and services you offer, in the right way . That's why before just creating the page , you should pay attention to the keywords and make the correct structure and optimization of the web pages according to them .

In addition to the correct way of creating pages, which is the basis for SEO Internet Marketing, the position of pages during search is influenced by a large number of other external factors that should be constantly paid attention to and worked on so that the pages gain strength or importance, that is, to be at the very top or the first time you search for the required keywords.

We take care

For constant re-optimization of web pages according to the latest search algorithms of the strongest search engines in the world (Google, Yahoo, BING...). We monitor your statistics every day and learn more and more about your services and products, and based on this , we increase the number of keywords by which visitors find your web pages , and you can monitor all of this via the web statistics that you get with each of our web hosting packages.

In addition to the actual optimization and positioning of the website, we enter into targeted directories and classified ads in a special way. Every registration is not the same, we write texts on various business portals and run other marketing campaigns depending on the needs of the users.

You can follow all this through detailed statistics that you get in each of our web hosting packages.

You get a complete internet marketing solution.

If you conclude only one deal per year via the Internet, you have already paid off the Start package for the whole year and still made money, as our existing users can testify, some of whom conclude dozens or hundreds of deals per month .

IZHR - our marketing network of 130+ city portals

In addition to positioning in search engines, you can also use the potential of our internet marketing network of 130+ city and
of thematic portals, which is growing day by day at a fairly high speed.

  1. 85% of visitors come to websites through search engines
  2. 56.6% search only the first 20 results
  3. SEO improves the position and visibility of a website
  4. SEO starts before the actual creation of the website
  5. This results in better visibility for a larger number of keywords
  6. Greater number of visitors, and thus greater profit
  7. After creation starts Off-Site SEO or
  8. Increasing the importance and authority of the website
  9. Which further boosts the position for your targeted keywords
  10. And the Reoptimization process for an even larger number of keywords

The more precise the better :)

Please send as precise details as possible of what you want to achieve with SEO marketing as well as a link to your existing website.

Contact US

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The most frequently asked questions i answer

What is SEO marketing?

SEO marketing, or search engine optimization, involves optimizing your website to improve its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). This process helps drive organic traffic to your site, improving online presence and potentially business growth. In simpler terms, SEO marketing helps your website to be more visible on the Internet so that potential clients can find you more easily.

How can SEO marketing help my business?

Effective SEO increases the visibility of your website to potential clients. It targets users who are actively searching for your products or services online, leading to higher quality traffic, improved interaction rates and potentially increased sales and conversions. SEO increases the chances that online users searching for your products or services on the Internet will find your website.

How long does it take to see results from SEO marketing?

SEO is a long-term strategy. Although some changes may have immediate effects, significant results usually appear after several months. SEO requires constant effort and adaptation to changing search engine algorithms. It is a process that constantly needs to be monitored and adjusted.

Can you guarantee the first position on Google?

No serious company offering SEO services can guarantee a top spot on Google due to the ever-changing nature of search engine algorithms. Our goal is to apply best practices to significantly improve your position in search engines over time. We cannot guarantee the first place, but we will do our best to get your site ranked as high as possible on Google.

Do I need to make changes to my website?

Depending on the current way of building your website and SEO optimization, changes will certainly be necessary. SEO starts before the creation of the page itself, if it was created without a SEP perspective, it is best to do everything from scratch.

Is SEO better than paid advertising?

SEO and paid advertising serve different purposes and can complement each other. SEO is a long-term strategy focused on organic growth, while paid advertising offers immediate visibility. A balanced approach often gives the best results. SEO and paid advertising have different advantages. SEO is a long-term process, while paid advertising brings quick results.

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