FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol . It is used to transfer files between the computer and the server. FTP is the language used by computers to send files over the network.
Websites consist of many different files that are all stored on a server. FTP allows you to upload and download files to or from this server to make changes to the website.
One of the most popular free FTP programs is FileZilla.
You can download the FileZilla client by clicking on FileZilla
Data for connection via FTP client:
Hostname: the name of your domain or IP server
Username: username of your FTP account
Password: FTP account password
Port: 4433
(You can also check the FTP data on your user profile at moj.wmd.hr )
It is possible to create additional FTP accounts within cPanel.
When creating an additional FTP account, you can define which folder or path this FTP account will have access to.
This is a good option if, for example, you need to give someone access to only a certain folder on the hosting package.
To create an additional FTP account, click on the FTP Accounts icon within cPanel
After that, fill in the necessary information in the following fields:
Log In – you enter a new username for the user for whom you are opening an FTP account.
Password - enter the password you want or generate it via the "Password Generator" button. Confirm it by typing it in the Password (again) field.
Directory - the field will only be filled according to the entered username, which will be the path to the location of the new user account data on the server. If it is necessary that the FTP account has access to another path, you can define the path you want in that section.
If you need the FTP account to have access to all folders, paths on the server, leave that field blank, that is, to make it as in the picture.
Quota - by entering the number of MB, you limit the disk space for the FTP user or by marking "Unlimited" you allow him to use all the available disk space on the hosting package, i.e. as much as necessary.